Virtual Assistants flock to participate in the 2008 Virtual Assistant Industry Survey
Released on: August 9, 2008, 12:23 pm
Press Release Author: Danielle Keister
Industry: Small Business
Press Release Summary: Frustrated by inaccurate media portrayals and industry outsiders miseducating their marketplace, Virtual Assistants head in droves to partake in the third annual Virtual Assistant Industry Survey
Press Release Body: Virtual Assistants are fed up. They\'ve had it with inaccurate media portrayals and reporters who don\'t get the facts right. They\'re sick of exploitive industry outsiders who don\'t understand the Virtual Assistance business misinforming their marketplace. They\'re tired of constantly having to explain the difference between an employee and an independent service provider. And they\'re having their say about it all by participating in this year\'s third annual Virtual Assistant Industry Survey.
Every August marks the time of year when Virtual Assistants can contribute to the statistics and body of knowledge that is improving the industry\'s understanding of itself and the education of its market. Sponsored by the Virtual Assistance Chamber of Commerce, over 10,000 Virtual Assistants from around the globe are invited to participate.
Created by Virtual Assistants (the folks who know the industry best!), the Virtual Assistant Industry Survey is the most comprehensive and in-depth survey in the Virtual Assistant profession. With 101 questions, the survey includes detailed cross-sectional data that offers unprecedented information about individual and business demographics, market data, and services. Survey topics include:
Individual demographics
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